Tuesday, March 16, 2010


2 Corinthians 12:1-10

Paul the Apostle says...

"I must go on boasting. Although there is nothing to be gained, I will go on to visions and revelations from the Lord. I know a man in Christ who fourteen years ago was “caught up” to the third heaven. Whether it was in the body or out of the body I do not know--God knows. And I know that this man--whether in the body or apart from the body I do not know, but God knows-- was caught up to paradise. He heard inexpressible things, things that man is not permitted to tell. I will boast about a man like that, but I will not boast about myself, except about my weaknesses.”

So there you have it. As Paul himself said there really is no place to go. Heaven is not in this world..it is located inside each of us and it is in another dimension or sphere..but inside. Remember “The Kingdom of God is “within” so forget the escape plans dear flesh, just dig deeper inside to find that spring of pure clean water inside your belly says Jesus..”living water’ and hydro electric power untapped. I’ll go into more depth about all this later as we explore our source of light on earth, the sun, and how it corresponds to the pure Light of Gods presence and His world apart from this fallen one. Like a camera lens the sun is a reduced form or focus of Gods light, mind, power, radiance, take your pick, of His spiritual essence, and it is a peek or keyhole into Paradise. It is the door, the gate into, the portal, the main street, the power supply and food for the trip, the manna that came to them in the morning daily to the children of Israel as they inched by stiff necked inch their way across the desert towards that “promised land” we all long to inhabit.

Remember the crux of the rapture notion seems to be “that we shall all be taken up in a twinkling of an eye”, so once I can explain what that means in depth you hopefully will change your perspective and jettison that fictional flesh loving, collective fantasy, for the honest truth. “We shall all be taken up in a twinkling of an eye” is a scripture that I shall use often because it is so vital to becoming like Him and acquiring “the mind of Christ” that we will so desperately need to survive the soon coming battles for our spiritual loyalty. Remember Christian, “even the very elect will be deceived” unless He shorten the Day.

Peter Sorcher is the producer of EAT THE SUN
He will announce the release of the film on his Facebook
page..search..EAT THE SUN

1046 Erica Road
Mill Valley, CA 94941
p: 415.381.8992
f: 415.634-1304
c: 415.999.3234




Is it possible to stare directly into the sun and not eat food? Meet Mason.

Eat The Sun is a feature length documentary that focuses on a young man’s
journey into the little known world of sungazing -- an ancient practice of looking
directly at the sun for long periods of time.

San Francisco, CA; 2003. A flyer at school advertising a lecture by an elderly
Indian gentleman sparks the imagination of Mason, a young man in his late
twenties. The flyer reads: “You can become solar powered.” It also states that
the Indian man giving the lecture, who goes by the acronym HRM, has not
eaten in over 8 years; a direct result of sungazing.

Intrigued, Mason begins this simple practice along with a few otherclassmates. Every day, in accordance with HRM’s protocol, they stand bare- ooted on the bare earth looking directly into the sun and every day they add 10 seconds to their sungazing time. The goal, according to HRM, is to reach 44
consecutive minutes of looking directly at the sun -- which could take 9 to 12 months to achieve -- at which time one would be “fully charged”, meaning not only cured of all mental and physical ailments but also now without the desire
or need to eat food.

In many ancient civilizations -- from the Incas and Aztecs to the Greeks and Egyptians -- this practice was exclusive to only the high priests and forbidden to“ordinary” people. Today, with the help of the Internet, this revived practice is gathering global momentum.

Modern day sungazers claim a multitude of health benefits including better eyesight, enhanced vitality, weight loss and, in some more profound cases, a complete loss of the desire and need to eat food. The main theory of how this is possible focuses on the stimulation of the pineal gland from direct sunlight entering the brain via the eye and retinal-hypothalamic tract. (The pineal, once believed to have no function, is now considered a master gland, controlling the secretion of melatonin and serotonin). Brain scans of HRM, age 70, reveal a pineal gland 3 times the size of a normal man, despite his advanced age when the pineal tends to shrink. (HRM was part of a 411-day medical study during which time he did not eat).

Mason soon discovers that this journey is going to be a lonely one, as society seems to revolve around food; family gatherings, social functions and dating all center on eating. But as his sungazing time increases so do the positive effects. As a former Olympic hopeful in ski jumping and cross-country skiing, Mason has felt both physical and mental strengthening and he finds that sungazing is far more potent than anything he has experienced before. On the downside, he is alienating himself from society; his girlfriend breaks up with him because of his obsession with sungazing.

When Mason approaches 40 minutes of sungazing his desire to eat fades. The only reason he eats anything at all is because of social expectations and some self-doubt. Can this really be happening? Is it possible?

Mason’s loneliness and curiosity fuel his desire to meet other people who look at the sun - other than a 70 year old man - in hopes that they can share their stories and experiences so he can better understand this phenomena. Eat The Sun follows Mason on a cross country tour that links him with a variety of
colorful sungazers: a Hollywood lawyer, a practicing Mormon with 5 kids, a religious group that believes Jesus was a sungazer and even a sungazing ophthalmologist -- some of whom have been sungazing for over 20 years.

Interspersed with Mason’s journey are interviews with scientists and doctors. And we see Mason struggle with the not-eating aspects of sungazing - he goes a full month without eating. But Mason’s conflicts seem to be socially and culturally driven and counter to what he is actually feeling.

When Mason gets his eyes examined at the UCLA Jules Stein Medical Center, he results send him into a tailspin, causing him to question not only sungazing but also how he has been expressing this practice to others who have begun to
sungaze after viewing his enthusiastic website and blog.

Mason’s confusion builds as he navigates through the subculture of sungazing. His story culminates in his final decision to continue and finish HRM’s 44 minute protocol. Will Mason succeed? What will happen to him when he reaches 44 minutes of staring directly into the sun? Has HRM been truthful? Is it really possible to live without eating?

Eat The Sun is the story of one man’s struggle to uncover the truth and,ultimately, reveals the power of the mind.

Copyright 2009, Sorcher Films
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From Peter Sorcher; Director – Eat The Sun

This project really started shortly after I moved to the San Francisco area in 2001. I met Mason Dwinell, our main character, at a mutual friend's party and he had a natural inquisitiveness that I liked. After another encounter with Mason some 6 months later, he told me what he was up to.

"You're looking directly at the sun and this will lead to a life without eating food?"

Welcome to San Francisco.

I immediately had two thoughts: The first was that he was crazy and the second was that there might be a film idea in this. After another encounter with Mason some 6 months later, he was even more excited about sungazing and the positive affects he was feeling from it. I arranged for a test shoot in August of 2003 and interviewed Mason and a few of his classmates who were sungazing along with him. I was intrigued not only with Mason's continued enthusiasm but also the corroboration of many of the affects of the sungazing by his classmates. I viewed the test footage and was hooked.

Initial research did not lead very far; the Internet did not yield much at that time when you Googled ‘sungazing’. Vinny Pinto, one of our characters in the film, became a pivotal person when he started the first sun gazing website and Yahoo! web group for sungazers. Vinny has been a sungazer since the early ‘80s and It was through his web group that I found many of the characters in the film. The project gained traction as I decided to follow Mason on his journey into this unexplored and burgeoning sub-culture. With a crew of 3, we took to the road in Mason’s van, meeting and talking with a variety of sungazers and self-professed non-eaters - both new and experienced - as well as scientists and doctors to try to find out some truths about this supposedly ancient notion of staring into the sun. I didn’t know what we would find or what would happen to Mason once he reached his goal of 44 consecutive minutes of staring at the sun - an amount of time based on a progressive sungazing technique that is promoted on the Internet and through lectures by an Indian gentleman who goes by the acronym HRM. (It was through a lecture by HRM that Mason found out about sungazing).

Between the sensations that Mason was reporting after actually building up his time to 40 minutes of looking directly at the sun and all of the information that we received from other sungazers, it was hard not to concede that something was happening, whether real or imagined. (In a scene that I love that did not make the final cut, Mason locks himself in a motel room and doesn’t eat for a whole month, the first week without fluids either!)

Luckily, enough human drama surfaced throughout the course of our journey out of which we were able to stitch together a story with a 3 Act structure. Our quest uncovered an Internet landscape of thousands of sungazers all over the world, some of whom ultimately challenged our deepest held beliefs. And it was belief that became the central idea in the film. The sort of people who engaged in sungazing after reading about it on the Internet or seeing HRM lecture all wanted to believe. The fact that the practice was simple and – according to HRM’s protocol – finite seemed to appeal to our modern culture’s affinity for the quick and easy. The fact that you could permanently damage your eyes seemed of little or no concern for most of these believers. When we took Mason for an extensive eye exam and they found a burn in the center of his retinas, he was disheartened and discouraged and he stopped sungazing. Why he ultimately decided to continue sungazing to reach HRM’s goal of 44 minutes and risk even further eye damage was testament that he was after something bigger than the physical.

Between Mason’s internal struggles, HRM”s demise and the discovery of an organized Christian-based religion that believes that Jesus was a sungazer, I became convinced that there was indeed a story to tell.

At the end of our journey, the world and how most of us have been conditioned to live in it seemed almost a quaint and outdated notion. And, at least for a little while after the cameras stopped rolling, the impossible seemed possible. You just had to believe.